Discover the programme for the second edition of l'Epicerie de Gourmet: merchandising, tasting, the importance of image, social networks... There's bound to be a subject that interests you!
Constance Regnier
Once again in 2024, our speakers will be supported by accompanied by our host Constance Régnier, voted best food influencer of 2022 and also a food engineer.

Free workshops

Sunday, September 15 :

  • 10 :30 – 11 :15 am

The Golden Rules of Merchandising

Helène Genter, our partner window dresser, will share her secrets for a successful window display. Come and benefit from her experience and chat with her!


  • 11 :30 am – 12 :00pm

Social networks and culinary photography

Constance and Thomas will show you how to shine on social networks and make your brand shine!


  • 12 :15 – 12h45pm

"L'Italie dans nos assiettes": tasting of Italian products.

Julien Serri and ICE invite you to come and taste the products of 7 of their companies present at the show. Don't miss this opportunity! 


  • 1 :00 - 1 :30pm
Truffles from the Marche Region Come and taste the truffles of the Marche region, in the company of Chef Tania Caddedu.

Constance will welcome you to discuss and taste these products.


  • 2 :30 – 3 :00pm

Building a strong brand image for your delicatessen

By Audrey Lorel art director and culinary graphic designer @audrey.graphisteculinaire

How do you get people to meet you and reach the right customers with a meaningful brand image that reflects all the attention and passion you put into your project?

It's through your visual identity that the first contact with your customer is made. And the way you present your brand and your products really does make all the difference!


  • 3 :15 – 4 :00 pm

The Golden Rules of Merchandising Helène Genter, our partner window dresser, will share her secrets for a successful window display.

Come and benefit from her experience and chat with her!


  • 4 :15 pm – 4 :45pm

How to stand out from the crowd and boost your sales thanks to your packaging?

By Audrey Lorel, Art director and culinary graphic designer @audrey.graphisteculinaire

When you do things well, you might as well communicate them well. Your exceptional products deserve a strong, unique and creative brand image that reflects your talent, the quality of your raw materials, your passion and your ambitions. Audrey will give you practical advice on how to make a success of your food packaging. We'll also look at the compulsory information on food labelling and the eco-design of packaging.


Monday, September 16

  • 11:15am - 12:00pm

The Golden Rules of Merchandising

Helène Genter, our partner window dresser, will share her secrets for a successful window display. Come and benefit from her experience and chat with her!


  • 12:15 – 12 :45pm

"L'Italie dans nos assiettes": tasting of Italian products.

Julien Serri and ICE invite you CE invites you to come and taste the products of 7 of their companies present at the show. Don't miss this opportunity!


  • 1 :30- 2 :15pm

Meet the Quintessences 2024 winners

Come and meet the winners of the Quintessences 2024 competition, France's best delicatessen, and chat with them!


  • 3 :15 – 4 :00pm

The Golden Rules of Merchandising

Helène Genter, our partner window dresser, will share her secrets for a successful window display. Come and benefit from her experience and chat with her!